REVIEW: Pandemic 2

Pandemic 2Pandemic 2

Platforms: PC, Mac, Linux

Reviewed on: Mac

Price: Free (download, online game)

Creator: Crazy Monkey Games


This is not a relatively new game, however, it has spread vigorously around school in the UK in the past year or two. It is an adaption of the old Pandemic game, however, with a new UI and some new features.

The game basically involves you becoming a virus, starting in a certain region and trying to infect as many people as possible. There are many perks which you can buy on the game with the “evolution points”, which you earn as you progress through the game. You must also try to evolve you virus so that it affects enough people before the dreaded “drug” is developed.


-Quick way to pass the time

-Great start to simulation games

-Easy-to-understand plot and controls


-Not the best graphics

-Sometimes can be too short

-Games sometimes glitches out and you get a ship and a plane stuck in mid-air as all the airports and harbours are closed

The Verdict

In conclusion, I feel that this is a great game that can past the time, and with an easy-to-understand plot and concept, a fun one as well. However, do not play this game if you want something that has a long plot and game time.